Feijoa Sellowiana
Can take almost any amount of training or pruning to shape as espalier screen hedge or small tree late spring is. La pianta Feijoa si può coltivare sia a scopo ornamentale per la sua fioritura sia per la produzione dei fruttiVediamo quali sono le sue caratteristiche.
Reaches 1825 feet with equal spread if not pruned or killed back by frosts.

Feijoa sellowiana. This spectacular landscape plant is the parent of a familiar tropical fruit the Guava - a unique landscape ornamental and tropical fruit that deserves much wider use in southeastern gardens. Normally a large multistemmed plant. Plantation en mars Plantation en avril Plantation en mai Plantation en juin Plantation en septembre Plantation en octobre.
Hardy enough to grow in the UK climate. E una pianta della famiglia delle Mirtacee è conosciuta come guayabo del. 27Feijoa sellowiana Berg 는 독일 식물학자 Ernst Berger 가 포르투갈 자연 학자 João da Silva Feijó 의 이름을 따서 페위아 feijoa 라고 명명 한 것으로 브라질 남부에서 feijoa 표본을 처음 수집 한 독일인 Friedrich Sellow 를 특별상으로 표창했다.
Feijoa sellowiana Mammoth is an evergreen shrub with attractive grey-green furry leaves and exotic red flowers. 1Feijoa belongs to the Mirtaceae family to the Feijoa genus and to the Sellowiana species. Coolidge Gemini Unique Mammoth Couleur des fleurs.
Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot ready to plant up straight away. Few fruit bearers have received as much initial high-level attention and yet have amounted to so little as this member of the Myrtaceae Feijoa sellowiana Berg. Acca sellowiana is an amazingly dramatic shrub in bloom that carries unique character into the garden through twelve months of the year with its silvered evergreen foliage.
Pianta e fruttoCaratteristiche della specie Feijoa sellowiana coltivazione dellarbusto e raccolto del suoi frutti commestibili. It is the best known of only 3 species in the genus which the German botanist Ernst Berger named after Don da Silva Feijoa a botanist of San Sebastian Spain. Fleurs blanches Fleurs roses Fleurs rouges.
Hardiest of so-called subtropical fruits. It is a shrub up to 3-5 m tall with small evergreen leaves 5-6 cm long and 3-4 cm broad elliptical leathery with the upper side of dark green and the lower one silvery-gray and hairy. Juicy sweetly aromatic pineapple-flavoured fruits.
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